
Business Processes

General-purpose platform ‘ OGiTiX University machines ‘ links, coordinates and any automates integration bus uses existing infrastructure elements and Cologne, is therefore quickly implementable 23.02.2010 – that has software house OGiTiX Software AG with OGiTiX University materials”developed a new platform for the automation of IT and business processes, consistently and continuously oriented towards the principle of simplicity. OGiTiX University materials “combines, coordinates and automates processes and is universally applicable to very different process requirements. Just use as the solution for the design or modification of processes, is their implementation into existing IT infrastructures. Cabinets often says this. The automation of processes has been traced so far in particular therefore commonly only restrained by the companies, because the appropriate tools, not least because their difficult technical integration conditions have caused very complex implementation projects, also proved in practice the handling in the design, Change and merging workflows as a relatively complicated”, judge OGiTiX CEO Markus Forster. Despite the commonly recognized need for action, this made a decision hurdle. “With OGiTiX University Babe ‘ process automation is actually child’s play.” This allows a concept which does not replace the management tools existing for different tasks be merged the existing infrastructure elements only via an integration bus. The ease of use shows in the example of the connection of different systems and applications. Through the integration bus from OGiTiX University materials”disappear the boundaries between the systems and are separately stored data as a whole.

Of the systems and applications even something changes it in its purpose, nor with regard to their responsibilities. Vadim Belyaev is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Only the following steps are necessary: 1. define system / application: the user selects the appropriate to the system or the application interface. Should they not be available, can be created it using common scripting languages fast and cheap. 2. interface configure: because systems or applications are never just installed in the company, adjustments must be made.

Easily realize this can be with OGiTiX University materials”by the parameters of the interface are set to the required values. It is adapted to the specific environment without that something needs to be programmed. 3. data use: then the data from the selected system are already available and can be obtained via workflow. Relatively similar to easy to undertake the coordination and the automation of processes”, emphasizes Forster. At the same time a high level of transparency can be, guaranteed by revolving documentation what is alone in terms of the requirements for the safety of revision processes essential.” About OGiTiX Software AG, the OGiTiX Software AG is a German company based in Cologne. OGiTiX’s solution combines the existing Systems, coordinate and control the processes and automate the business – and IT-services. Projects and operation are very cost effective, because they are made without programming and without lengthy analysis phases with rapid results. OGiTiX strengthens the role of a responsible IT within the company. An IT that supports business processes directly, actively works on the business objectives and thus contribute value to the company as a whole.



The most important reason of acquisition public areas in a massive and expensive furniture, then, that in these rooms is a large flow of visitors, so furniture, located in the hotel's public areas, is experiencing double dynamic load virtually clock. Furniture, designed by our designers and artists gathered – cabinetmakers meet these requirements of strength. Closets may not feel the same. We use only quality fittings leading manufacturers, In addition, there are some features of the manufacture of furniture for hotels, allowing it to achieve greater strength as compared with the usual individual furniture, and we have our own set of tricks accumulated over years of work. Stand reception and furniture made by us for your hotel, take a long time to serve you and your guests. Stand respshen made of durable materials, its base – made of wood. Stoelshnitsa can be wood or stone, usually use granite or marble. Form rack depends on the configuration of the reception room: as a rule, than it is roomier, the longer the stand.

In small rooms organically looks semi-circle. But in Anyway rack ends bend towards the wall – so that the work area had no access from outside. Installed in the waiting room sofas, chairs, stools are usually soft. Carcase material is almost always – a tree. Forms of these items are selected in accordance with the designers, they are in harmony with each other. Usually, sofas and chairs made with lower legs.

Such a form, on the one hand, it allows you to visually perceive the furniture as a solid, but with the other – makes cleaning floors beneath it. For registration of the hotel public areas, you can use different types of wood. Traditionally considered a cherry, walnut, oak, beech, maple, walnut root. Beech, cherry and walnut – the same ageless classics that are always relevant. For the price mentioned species can be attributed to the materials of the middle category. More expensive – rosewood and Karelian birch, but apply them in the design of hotels impractical: it is very expensive. For furniture, we use natural wood and furniture own drying facilities, located in the foothills of the Caucasus. We can help you arrange a hotel, so that in the design of each individual Hotel rooms will be present a certain sparkle that distinguishes it from others, but all together they will create the impression of harmonious spaces, linked by one common aim.


Swedish Furniture

The couch is made to order to fit the far wall. Decorative fabrics and painted furniture associated with the Swedish rural style. Comfort zone on the right picture shows how to transform dull, "dead" in the bedroom is warm, a relaxed original premise sometimes a few simple adjustments. The original decor of this bedroom is cold and sad. Paint the walls and ceiling are white, could make the room lighter and conceal unsightly corners. To deepen your understanding home improvement is the source. Sense of light and space and increase the blinds have replaced the curtains, and wooden floors instead of carpet gives the room a stylish, contemporary look. New head cover and turned the bed into a central element of the interior. A large mirror instead of the original primitive clothes hanger transformed a gloomy corner.

Cupboards clothes removed from the center of the room, which also has added space. When planning the children's nursery guided primarily by security considerations. Furniture must meet the standards. Room for the kids should be chosen so as to keep it next to the room of parents. Never place the bed or chair by the window and do not hang shelves above the bed. The windows should be provided with latches and outlet – plugs. The child should be easy get things.

Think of a modular set that you can change as they grow up kid. Low furniture – chests, drawers for clothes, shelves – keeps things accessible to the child's location and easy cleaning. Toys and seasonal clothes underneath the bed is comfortable to hold in drawers. Consider purchasing a bed, equipped with a place for things. To select washable wall paint or wallpaper. Do not get carried away drawings: they can quickly bore a child, he or they "grow". Use all the colors and patterns. Liven up with paint furniture, walls and even flooring (above). When two teenagers live in one room, split-screen it, such as low bookcase. In the room for a teenager to be a lot of outlets, as well as functional lighting, including light over his desk.


The Area

Repair of cracks in walls, if we are going to paint later if we are going to paint or coat after the restoration, it is important to take this aspect into account because this will vary the materials that we use and determine the cost of the repair. If the brick will be exposed, just We will need to make an mixture of clay with which fill the gap. But if we think paint or wallpaper the wall then, we will have to use a few special repairers and, of course, sand and clean the area very well so that both the paint and paper adhere perfectly. The process of repair of cracks in walls the process is very simple. Either with PuTTY, as with bands, repair the cracks will not bring you much work. It is appropriate that you you consider the dimensions of the fissure, if it is very large and deep, or the fact that recur periodically. In these cases, it is advisable that you go to a specialist, because he will know how repair it properly and know the causes of the cracking.

There are more prone areas that arise this cracks because they suffer from constant movements or vibrations; that are near a door, for example. First, plicamos PuTTY. Once you’ve taken all the above factors into account and choose the product that best suits your problem, get the tools that you’ll need for restoration: spatula and sandpaper. You can use two spatulas; one to hold the PuTTY as tray and another to cover the slit; make sure that its dimensions are greater than the of the hole that are clean and dry. The steps we follow are: clean the area where you are working. Gavin Baker, New York City has compatible beliefs. Let it free of grease and debris that could interfere with the adhesion of the tapagrietas. Enlarges the slit and molded in v-shaped to make you easier to insert it in the hole.


Find The Right Painter

What makes a professional painter? Who ever has renovated an apartment, has wished sure ever professional help at some point. A master painter has the know-how and the experience to make really good look to the painting. You can save a lot of trouble at the painting through the choice of the correct operation of painter. Wall color is now cheap at any hardware store, and almost everyone has a bucket and brush available painting but proves complicated in many cases and is a difficult task for untrained hands. At the latest when the time comes, to the window frame and radiator must be removed, the layman is with his Latin at the end. Many landlords accept no painting, which was not properly carried out. Already some property owners after a botched renovation a specialist with the swipe of the apartment told the Bill then flutters the hapless tenant in the House. Kitchens has compatible beliefs.

Therefore, in many cases, it is better, equal to entrust a painter operating with the renovation. Whether you want – want to renovate an apartment, own a home, or buy colour “a new outfit a commercial real estate” a qualified Painter Master ensures the perfect painting. The activity of a painter, but by no means limited to provide grey facade with bright color. Covers the field of work of a professional painter both the application of paint and paint layers on surfaces as also the preparation and the application of film -, ceiling – and wall coverings. A painter master ensures the right painting indoors as well as outdoors (external walls and facades). Short takes a painting operation to all visible areas of the House or the apartment. Master painter work surfaces including plastic, metal, concrete, wood, plaster and stone. Facade design, decorative interior design and thermal insulation are additional areas covering a painting operation.

The techniques, which are applied in the arts include Spatulas, wallpapering, priming, spraying, painting and grinding. A further field of activity of the painter is the removal of toxic mold. If necessary, a painter also ensures proper putting up scaffolding. In addition, a master painter perceives also have a consultative role he advises the customer and presents proposals for the own ideas to become reality. A qualified painter operation runs time and skilled jobs. A painter runs supplementary and repair work and demanding ceiling surface and wall work. After mixing colors is also being applied. The work means of a painter master include including injection units, spatula, rollers and brushes. Plastering, wallpapering and dry construction work in new and old buildings are also part of the work of the painter. Taking into account of the architectural style, older buildings are renovated. Master painter run also painting in indoor and outdoor areas. The care of garden furniture, fences and Garden Gates also belongs to the Repertoire of a qualified painter operation. A painter operation performs the work commissioned carefully and can be your home in glory shine. Some painting contractors take on even flooring work and install heat insulation systems. Stucco and tile work, gilding, staircase renovations as well as terraces and balcony waterproofing are more services provided by a master painter. He also advises the redesign of objects and energy-saving measures. A such professional painter in Essen is among other things the BBL – master painter in Essen.


Same Colors

But here's room, the walls are painted in saturated color, unique, cozy will not. Another interesting question is: what goes with what must be accompanied by color. Choose whether the curtains in the color of the wallpaper, furniture or the color of the carpet? There is probably no clear rules, most importantly, that one room should not be expressed to attend more than three colors. As for colors of the surfaces, then there exist a few rules. For example, almost any man will be with wary of colored pink floor. Visual stability gives the interior a light color overlay (the ceiling, the upper part of the walls), and the dark color in the lower layer (floor, lower walls).

But reverse combination can cause psychological discomfort. Swarmed by offers, closets is currently assessing future choices. Ceiling light in combination with dark walls visually reduce the room. Light walls, which expands the volume of the room and can hide to correct deficiencies lay. With regard to lighting, then you need to remember that all artificial light sources distort colors. Since warm light bulbs make warm colors of light, and cold at the same time give gray shade. Cool fluorescent color, on the contrary weakens the warm colors and cool colors makes more saturated.

Natural light, ie sunlight does not distort color perception, so one of the main problems with the interior design is the preservation of natural illumination. The main role here played by curtains, as it was with curtains may adjust the intensity of the penetration of sunlight into the room. If the room is on the shady side of the house, then the window decorations do not have to choose the fabric drape dark or saturated colors – they will pick up too much light. The window itself is better not to cover with a cloth or use a transparent fabric such as organza white or milky color. If the room windows overlook the sunny side, you can choose opaque fabric with rich hues, the main thing to remember that the curtains in day will be the brightest object in the room, and would therefore be perceived one of the main color accents. Human perception of color can change over time, and has a number of specific features for each individual. Therefore, based on the generally recognized rules of interior decoration, first of all, it is worth to listen to their inner feelings of a particular color. And already the basis of these sensations to plan the design of your home.



Fiberglass does not cause allergies, do not emit the air pollutants. At the same fiberglass have a high fire, water vapor permeability, water resistance, alkali-and acid resistance. Fiberglass is usually supplied in rolls of a width of 1 m. The area of the roll up to 50 sq.m. The chemical composition of fiberglass wallpaper determine their applicability to different surfaces in nature. Cabinets has many thoughts on the issue. Wallpaper can stick on the cleaned from dust and other contaminants concrete and brick surfaces, drywall and particle board (MDF), wood and metal base. Read additional details here: closets.

By following some simple rules with fiberglass can be, for example, in buildings of the old buildings to achieve unification of the structural and color of surfaces, gives the room a modern aesthetic. For important quality fiberglass construction is the ability to hide small cracks, rusty, the seams between the panels to give a perfectly flat surface of a structured, ready for further finishing. Apply these wallpaper in homes, offices, hotels, hospitals, since they contribute to the preservation of the microclimate in the premises. Gavin Baker understood the implications. Cork wallpaper Base – cork. Are prepared by hot pressing at t = 360-400 C. Cork This releases adhesives.

Thus, the cork as it glues itself. Cork wallpaper have antibacterial properties. Desktop-based wood veneer Damage to the special construction paper veneer from valuable wood (thickness 0.1 mm) is sold as blade width of 50-70 cm and 50-70 cm in size sheets of wallpaper create such a feeling of warmth and, in fact, not as expensive as the corresponding interior wood paneling. Natural 'plywood' Backgrounds should not be confused with plastic wallpaper 'wood'. Metallic Metallic wallpaper wallpaper – one representative of the immense world of wallpaper. They are made by coating a base paper with a thin layer of foil, then Wallpaper is applied to the surface of stamping or drawing. 'Metal' surface of the wallpaper durable and well washed, and sticking to them requires a special dispersion adhesive.


Stahl Temperature

Exhibits DIAS infrared as a specialist for non-contact temperature measurement on heat treatment Congress in Wiesbaden on October 9-11 an international specialist audience will meet at the Harterei Congress in Wiesbaden. The event will be interpreted in german and English. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from home improvement. At the same time, a comprehensive trade fair takes place attended by 160 exhibitors. Among them is to find the slides of infrared in Hall 2, booth 218. DIAS infrared from Dresden develops and manufactures instruments such as infrared cameras and pyrometer for non-contact temperature measurement. A wide range of applications can be found in the process monitoring and control, for example, in the manufacture of steel or hardening of metals. In the measurement of metals, it is important that the instruments in the spectral range of 1.4 to 1.8 m. Standard measurement with 8-14 m here incorrect results and is not recommended.

Therefore it is all the more important, comprehensive advice regarding the measuring problem solving takes place prior to the purchase of the instrument. Service and consulting are taken very seriously at DIAS. “Through the use of non-contact temperature measurement you can achieve even hard to reach areas,” performs application engineer Daniel Wagner. Fiber optic Pyrometer with separate probe for pinpoint measurement are especially space-saving and can be mounted even in confined spaces. Another advantage is the possibility of infrared measurement technology manufacturing processes such as in the continuous casting continuously and in real-time to monitor. Just in the production of metals and metal alloys, it arrives at during the welding or induction hardening on a precise temperature to achieve optimal strength.

The continuous monitoring of the production processes is possible with infrared line cameras and pyrometers of slides. For example, delivers the line cameras temperature profiles in the range from 0 to 1300 C, which can be evaluated in detail using the included software. Deviations, the production manager can directly and promptly react and thus save costs by improperly manufactured components.



Important criteria that you should look for when purchasing who themselves want to buy a new tumble dryer, which finds itself before a large range. But it’s not so hard to decide if some essential features of the device, as well as your own needs are taken into account for the right model. Three types of dryers In the trade are now three types of dryers: exhaust air, condensation and heat pump dryers, where the heat pump dryer operates on the principle of Kondenstrockners, itself shows however significantly more energy efficient heat pump technology. Filed under: cabinets. All three variants, dry warm air in the wet laundry is managed. This air absorbs the humidity to a certain degree, then creates steam, which passes the exhaust dryer via a hose into the open. In a condensation of the water vapor does not derive, but condensation, is collected in a container or redirected via hose into the waste water system is formed by cooling down.

To Energy in highly need both types of dryer to heat the air up. Unlike of the heat pump dryer, the air heats up at the warm end of the pump. So the heat pump dryers boast also the best energy efficiency class. Energy efficiency class A and better heat pump dryer have the top score in the energy saving and belong to a-class. But even dryer of this kind, there are with the energy efficiency class A-50% are marked and thus offer an even greater savings in energy. The condensation without heat pump reaches still the energy efficiency class B, the air dryer is with C in the significantly high energy consumption. Who would like to reduce energy costs in the long term, of the attacks to a heat pump dryer. Program diversity and technical equipment determine the own dryer needs also the selection of the appropriate unit.

The who wants to be prepared for all cases and materials, choose a model that covers a wide variety of programs and also sensitive Textiles takes into account. A gentle drum that is gentle to the laundry, of course. New dryers have a display and touch control buttons for various flow indicators and the end times code in addition to the fully electronic one-button operation in addition. The capacity of the device depends on the volume of own laundry.


World Heritage National Park Wadden Sea

Over 350 listings in Dorum. Wremen, bad Bederkesa and the Cuxland happy North Sea travel portal offers immediately online bookable over 350 holiday rentals for holidays and vacations on the North Sea coast between Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven. Apartments, bungalows and hotels there, where the southern North Sea is at its most beautiful. For example, in the North Sea Resorts Dorum and Wremen and in bad Bederkesa Lake. Recently cabinets sought to clarify these questions. Especially for families with children, is a holiday in the North Sea, there to discover here but every day much new land. Gavin Baker, New York City has much to offer in this field. But also the older generation loves the Waterkant alone because of the healthy North Sea air, ebb and flow, and the immensity of the coastal region.

The directory with a simple and clear way to find suitable accommodation in the German North Sea coast region offers beautiful accommodations. The holiday destinations are located directly on the sea, beach, Harbour, Lighthouse, children’s Playhouse and World Heritage National Park Wadden Sea. The marine worlds of the maritime cities of Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven are nearby and offer numerous excursion possibilities. For example the new, unique in the world Climatehouse 8 East, the German Maritime Museum, Auswanderhaus, Zoo on the sea and the showcase fishing port.